Pancreatic Cancer

Our goal is to detect pancreatic cancer in its earliest stages.
Within this decade, pancreatic cancer is expected to be the second leading cause of cancer mortality in the United States. However, it’s been shown that diagnosis at an early stage, when patients have better treatment options, has the potential to increase survival rates by more than ten times.
ClearNote Health is working to address the unmet need with its introduction of the Avantect Pancreatic Cancer Test. This simple DNA-based blood test is designed to make earlier diagnosis possible for patients at high risk for pancreatic cancer.
Until now, limited early detection technologies for pancreatic cancer have prevented patients from seeking treatment in early stages when more effective therapies are still possible. The stage of pancreatic cancer at diagnosis has a significant impact on survival.
Pancreatic cancer diagnosed at its earliest stage can improve survival
Identifying the high-risk patient
It is essential to identify patients at high risk for pancreatic cancer who would benefit from testing. Approximately 90% of pancreatic cancer cases are sporadic, with 10% having a genetic etiology. There is emerging evidence of a critical link between pancreatic cancer and patients newly diagnosed (<3 years) with type 2 diabetes aged 50 and older. Another high-risk group includes patients with a genetic predisposition and/or family history of pancreatic cancer.